John Nurminen Foundation
Our mission is to save the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. We implement concrete Baltic Sea protection measures that bring results, and ensure that the stories of the sea are passed on to future generations.
Founded in 1992, the purpose of the John Nurminen Foundation is to save the Baltic Sea and its heritage for future generations. The Foundation has been awarded for its work as a communicator of information and producer of marine content. In our projects, we improve the state of the Baltic Sea by reducing eutrophication and nature loss as well as preventing harmful substances from getting into the sea. The work is steered by measurable results and impact.
The John Nurminen Foundation’s marine history cultural activities focus on the history of seafaring, exploration, and cartography, and disseminating information on these topics. The Foundation’s collections of naval art, maritime antiquities and ancient maps form the basis for these activities.
We want to tell the story of the sea: a sea that for us Finns is a bridge to the world. Making people aware of the story of the sea and its history is important, since it makes it easier to understand why our unique Baltic Sea must also be protected.