Sinebrychoff Art Museum

The Sinebrychoff Art Museum presents the Finnish National Gallery´s Old Masters´collection. Paul and Fanny Sinebrychoff´s House Museum forms the heart of the collection. Here you can enjoy the athmosphere of the brewery owner's splendid home.

Sinebrychoff Art Museums facade towards the park. Picture: Kansallisgalleria/Sinebrychoffin taidemuseo/Arno de la Chapelle
Sinebrychoff Art Museums facade towards the park.

The museum presents European art from the 14th century to the 1850´s. We organize international and domestic changing exhibitions. The art collections include Swedish portrait art, Dutch and Flemish art from the 17th century, and gems of Italian and French painting. Here you can find Finland’s largest collection of miniatures and Finland’s only painting by Rembrandt, The Monk reading.